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jdxcode12/09/20241 replyview on HN

I've settled into a mostly daily cadence. If there's a day with more than 1 it's because there is a relatively serious bug that I don't want anyone to need to wait around for—those are the releases you should actually pay attention to so you're not missing something important. It's true I used to do more but I've dialed this back in recent weeks.

That said, it's a selfish strategy that benefits me more than anyone. It ultimately means I don't spend as much time fixing bugs since resolutions go out quicker and users get to test them (often whether they want to or not) while the issue is fresh in my head and I can quickly make an adjustment if needed.

I know especially package maintainers such as yourself would prefer I have nightlies for this purpose and then less frequent releases but that's more work for me and means users generally will be testing changes with a bigger delay.

Users may also think they want this but I actually think it wouldn't serve their interests—it'd mean I spend less time actually improving mise and more time with logistics. I'm also terrible at release notes and commit messages and I'm not sure it's an area I want to improve in simply because that would come at the cost of doing other things. I also don't like doing that stuff and this is (ostensibly) a hobby after all.

That said, I'd really appreciate if you came by our discord and had a conversation about this with me. While those are my reasons for the way things are I'm also certainly not opposed to change. With homebrew I have a release hook to automate this process and perhaps we could do something similar for MacPorts. We could even automate every N releases or something if you think that would be better.



I’ve just started a new job (where I will be pitching mise to replace asdf and maybe a few other things because of your recent push on supply chain security), so it’ll be a bit of time before I can do this. I’ve thought about how to automate the process further and may do so in the holiday break week.

If I get as far as making a GitHub action for this, I will absolutely discuss with you because it would be very good to make this work as quickly as possible.