I just took a look at an example package.json file and it seemed fine — no 'comments' shoehorned in anywhere, meaningful key names that reduced the need for comments. Do you have an example of a package.json file that would be better if json supported comments?
Well not offhand, comments aren't supported so workarounds are used instead. But I would find it very convenient if I could leave comments on dependencies and scripts. Or even various engine requirements.
Sure you can write everything in another file or put the comments in the commit message. But out-of-band comments are more easily missed or lost. If the package.json got rewritten by `npm install` you'd lose the comments. Inconvenient, but that's trivial to fix at commit time.
I don't have an example file on hand, but they would be useful for documenting non-explicit dependencies between packages. e.g. Kendo UI and the corresponding theme packages[1] - neither NPM package depends on the other, but if there's a comment then when seeing a change to one, the developer or a reviewer should know to double-check the other.
[1] https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/styles-and-layout/sass-ver...