I think the objection is to the conflation of strong/weak with dynamic/static and it being unclear exactly what typed/untyped means, since it can refer to either. Python has always been strongly typed at runtime (dynamic), vs say JavaScript which is relatively weakly typed at runtime.
Obviously lihaoyi was referring to static/dynamic when they wrote untyped (as made clear by the reference to type annotations) but kstrauser is objecting to using the term "untyped" since that can be interpreted to mean weak typing as well, which Python is not.
$0.02 anyway.
Strong/weak is a meaningless dichotomy that could be replaced by nice/icky while conveying the same meaning. It just distinguishes whether I, personally, believe a given language has sufficient protections against dumb programmer errors. What counts as strong or weak depends entirely on who's talking. Some will say that everything from C on is strong, others draw the line at Java, still others aren't comfortable until you get to Haskell, and then there are some who want to go even further before it's truly "strong".
Typed versus untyped is, on the other hand, a rigorously defined academic distinction, and one that very clearly places pre-type-hints Python in the untyped category. That's not a bad thing—untyped isn't inherently a derogatory term—but because untyped languages have fallen out of vogue there's a huge effort to rebrand them.