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LeftHandPath12/09/20242 repliesview on HN

That's very useful, I missed that when I read through the article.

If the logical qubit can have double the lifetime of any physical qubit, that's massive. Recall IBM's chips, with t-times of ~400microseconds. Doubling that would change the order of magnitude.

It still won't be enough to do much in the near term - like other commenters say, this seems to be a proof of concept - but the concept is very promising.

The first company to get there and make their systems easy to use could see a similar run up in value to NVIDIA after ChatGPT3. IBM seems to be the strongest in the space overall, for now.



I'm sorry if this is nitpicky but your comment is hilarious to me - doubling something is doubling something, "changing the order of magnitude" would entail multiplication by 10.

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