If you're a software engineer, then the Quantum Katas might fit your learning style. The exercises use Q#, which is quantum specific programming language.
The first few lessons do cover complex numbers and linear algebra, so skip ahead if you want to get straight to the 'quantum' coding, but there's really no escaping the math if you really want to learn quantum.
Disclaimer: I work in the Azure Quantum team on our Quantum Development Kit (https://github.com/microsoft/qsharp) - including Q#, the Katas, and our VS Code extension. Happy to answer any other questions on it.
Is there a reasonable pivot for someone well versed in the software engineering space to get in, or is it still the playground of relevant Ph.Ds and the like? I've been up and down the stack from firmware to the cloud, going on 14 years in the industry, have a Master's in CS, am the technical lead for a team, yada yada, but have been flirting with the idea of getting out of standard product development and back into the nitty gritty of the space I first pursued during undergrad.