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xvector12/09/20241 replyview on HN

> I wonder how all those European companies are doing it.

Carefully crafted/gerrymandered laws that only rent seek from American big tech.

> You say this all the time, yet we're doing fine. How come?

You're not doing fine. I don't know how you can look back at the stagnation of the past two decades in the EU and think you're "doing fine." One of our companies is worth more than your entire tech industry. Your engineers get paid a fifth of what they could make here, so they often move here. In tech, you've fallen so far behind others superpowers that it's not even funny, and you're gleefully positioning yourself to fall even further behind. Your relative share of the global GDP is dropping.

You think you're doing fine, but if the EU doesn't plan on amending the regulatory-industrial complex that has caused its undeniable stagnation, it will eventually fall into irrelevancy, and be on the losing side of the rising global wealth inequality.



> Carefully crafted/gerrymandered laws that only rent seek from American big tech.

Alright then; who else should have been covered with the DMA in your opinion? Which other companies created unfair tax arrangements that have avoided scrutiny for decades?

Oh, nobody as large as Apple? Huh. Sounds like they're not targeting American companies at all, but instead prioritizing the biggest violators.