Hey there. This project isn't posted publicly anywhere at the moment—it's a very idiosyncratic one-of-one sort of deal.
For one thing, while I know Python a little bit, I much prefer to write Lisp. But the Textual [0] library is for Python and nothing else seems to even compete in the same space. So my "outlook-explorer" ("oe" on my command line) is actually written in Hy [1], a Lisp-y syntax swap that emits Python AST objects. And there's a couple places where I just hard-coded my own info, like the email address I'm using it with in order to pull from the right inbox in Outlook, that would need some kind of user-facing and reasonably user-friendly config options before it'd be ready for general consumption.
Have you thought about making your own bespoke one-of-one thing? I got much further than I expected to in only a couple hours. It was already basically functional in three hours, I think, and I came to the table with no prior experience using Textual.