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> for some reason Apple seems to manage just fine (with GDPR).

Just fine?

Like the EU forcing Apple to pay $14B in back taxes after voiding a legal and consensual tax agreement between Apple and Ireland? [1]

Or the DMA resulting in an absurd $2B fine related to music streaming, in a transparent attempt to prop up Spotify (the dominant market leader in this space)?

Both of these in the last couple of months alone? It's just rent-seeking with a pretend "we're doing it for the good of the people" facade.

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple%27s_EU_tax_dispute

[2]: https://www.reuters.com/technology/apple-set-face-fine-under...



> Like the EU forcing Apple to pay $14B in back taxes after voiding a legal and consensual tax agreement between Apple and Ireland?

They're back taxes. The EU did right by every single law-abiding business when they forced Apple to remediate their unnatural and unfair arrangement. Not a single naturally competitive business suffered as a result of either action. The EU does not suffer economically by weeding out businesses that exploit it to avoid paying taxes, only Apple does.

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>> for some reason Apple seems to manage just fine (with GDPR).

Nice bait and switch since your examples have nothing to do with GDPR.

Still Apple is doing just fine despite your examples.