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movedx12/10/20241 replyview on HN

Precisely. Operating systems aren’t hard. They’re so easy and well established it’s crazy not to use them directly, and even though I’m not the world’s biggest Docker fan, Compose is kind of awesome to be honest. Deploying software and maintaining and OS is simple in this day and age.



Having gone from managing several thousand physical to virtual/cloud instances, there are certainly major differences and the company has to structure its approach accordingly (IMO).

On premise in my opinion needs a dedicated team managing hardware and leverage solutions to provide that as VM's/Containers/etc to teams. Another team focused on OS level security and base image, then your dev teams can effectively focus on their app and leverage the automated tools provided by the hardware and OS teams.

Cloud gives you at least half of that, or all of it depending on your approach, for a cost. There are points where the cost makes sense and times when it doesn't, and typically that changes through the life of a company. Unfortunately there is a not insignificant overhead even with current tools to maintaining a truly substrate agnostic infrastructure that can be deployed on top of multiple clouds, on-premise etc... so companies are locked in even when economics change.

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