> On premise in my opinion needs a dedicated team managing hardware and leverage solutions to provide that as VM's/Containers/etc to teams.
You're assuming that "On premise" equates to "inside our building, in racks we've installed, using power and networking we have to manage." You're correct if that's the case for your business, but my argument is based around the idea that you can use _managed_ hosting providers of physical hardware that'll be either next door to you, in the same city, or close to your users (i.e, you're a business in Germany but your customer base is in London, so you host the servers using a London based provider.)
The idea that you have to manage hardware is greatly diminished when you consider the availability of managed providers that are dirt cheap.
That's a good point, and at small and medium scales those are very cost effective alternatives to cloud or fully managed. Not many managed providers can provide a full equivalent to an on-premise team, and it quickly becomes cheaper to run it yourself once you scale into large dedicated instances and high network traffic. Before then though its often better than the cloud for many situations.