Interesting. I like the idea of a meta-mechanism that learns to update an associative memory based on how surprising the data is. The other stuff, reading memory via keys and values and selectively erasing it with gating, look pretty conventional on a first glance. Thank you for sharing this on HN. I've added it to my reading list.
EDIT: I'm reminded of this other type of associative memory: The idea there is to compute a mixture of memories that best predicts the given input sequence. Quite frankly, I don't remember how the whole thing works, but I do remember that it works. It's been a while since I used it, so YMMV. In any case, it may be of interest to you.
there's nothing "pretty conventional" about a neural memory mechanism that comes along with such solid evidence of scalability and appealing performance characteristics.
If neural memory was conventional, GPT4o's memory wouldn't be stored as plain text and prepended to prompts.
This paper reminds me of the Switch Transformer paper; e.g. solidifying, expanding on, and proving out an area of research that may well have a big impact on leading LLMs and the SOTA in AI.
Agreed the concept of surprise is very cool.