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muragekibicholast Tuesday at 9:35 AM2 repliesview on HN

Introduction : Finite Field Assembly is a programming language that lets you emulate GPUs on CPUs

It's a CUDA alternative that uses finite field theory to convert GPU kernels to prime number fields.

Finite Field is the primary data structure : FF-asm is a CUDA alternative designed for computations over finite fields.

Recursive computing support : not cache-aware vectorization, not parallelization, but performing a calculation inside a calculation inside another calculation.

Extension of C89 - runs everywhere gcc is available. Context : I'm getting my math PhD and I built this language around my area of expertise, Number Theory and Finite Fields.


zeroqtoday at 12:12 AM

I've read this and I've seen the site, and I still have no idea what it is, what's the application and why should I be interested.

Additionally I've tried earlier chapters and they are behind a paywall.

You need a better introduction.

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almostgotcaughttoday at 1:15 AM

> I'm getting my math PhD and I built this language around my area of expertise, Number Theory and Finite Fields.

Your LinkedIn says you're an undergrad that took a gap year 10 months ago (before completing your senior year) to do sales for a real estate company.

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