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jsheardlast Thursday at 3:39 PM3 repliesview on HN

This is a really bad take, it's not like this server is hacking clients which connect to it. It's providing perfectly valid HTTP responses that just happen to be slow and full of markov gibberish, any harm which comes of that is self inflicted by assuming that websites must provide valuable data as a matter of course.

If AI companies want to sue webmasters for that then by all means, they can waste their money and get laughed out of court.


bwfan123last Thursday at 3:51 PM

yea, it comes across as an extremely entitled mobster take.

heads i win, tails you lose. we own all your content, and you better behave.

i can bet this is incentive-speak.

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jazzyjacksonlast Thursday at 6:59 PM

I guess it's an unpopular take but I don't see why it was flagged. It's a good point of discussion.

observationistlast Thursday at 3:45 PM


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