Apologies for promoting my project again (did this in at least 2 other threads related to RSS), but I'm weirdly proud of it: I'm curating a list of human-written blogs on my blog reader/discovery/search engine called Minifeed: https://minifeed.net/blogs/
There's an OPML export available as well: https://minifeed.net/blogs/opml.xml
Another good repo is Kagi's small web repository of Github feeds https://github.com/kagisearch/smallweb
Nice. I think a search engine that only crawls RSS feeds is a great idea. My own selfishness wants such a project to not get too popular so the slop media doesn't go back to publishing feeds.
When you “open original to view full content” and then use browser back to get to your page, the back history is removed and you can’t click back again to get to your main page. Makes it hard to navigate. Love the site.
I was looking for more feeds to subscribe to. Thanks for sharing!
This is great! Thank you. I'm trying to figure out where I can stash the link so I don't forget about it.
I really like this project, such a beautiful design carefully executed on!
This is honestly awesome! And I love the design as well. Is it open source?
There's also https://ooh.directory/ and https://blogscroll.com/