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snacksmcgeelast Thursday at 5:09 PM5 repliesview on HN

A crucial point that is lost on this venture capital-funded forum: scummy garbage makes money. Taking sales people out for steak and whiskey makes money. Lying makes money. (That last point is especially funny considering how startups lie, too, like having a landing page and no product but collecting emails like you do.)

The economy is built on grifting, at this point, and every time, people here are shocked, SHOCKED that that is the case.


spenczar5last Thursday at 5:26 PM

> The economy is built on grifting, at this point

I agreed until here. Obviously, lying isn't the only way to make money. I make furniture and fix windows in old houses for a living. Am I grifting?

When you stretch into hyperbole, you lose the ability to convince people in the middle.

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dilyevskylast Thursday at 11:17 PM

> That last point is especially funny considering how startups lie, too, like having a landing page and no product but collecting emails like you do.

How dare companies do market research with potential buyers to know what to build before they start building it! If only we could setup massive factories that pump out hot garbage that nobody wants and build roads to nowhere like the soviets did.

SubiculumCodelast Thursday at 6:45 PM

"...like you do" Is this a typo or a personal attack to the parent?

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marxisttemplast Thursday at 5:30 PM

VC is an absolute cancer. All of these grifters claim to love free markets, but the entire ecosystem is just propping up companies operating at a loss until all their competitors fold. At least these useless buzzword B2B companies actually have some gormless entity willing to pay them enough to keep the lights on without another 500 million dollar check from Daddy Andreessen lol

kjs3last Thursday at 5:56 PM

A crucial point that is lost on this venture capital-funded forum: scummy garbage makes money.

I don't think you quite understand how VC works.

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