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calebio01/16/20254 repliesview on HN

It's not that hyperbolic. I'd say the economy isn't built on you making furniture and fixing windows in old houses for a living.

Do folks like you exist? Yes. Is the economy built on folks like you? No.



> Do folks like you exist? Yes. Is the economy built on folks like you? No.

Are you sure?

If you ignore human constructs such as companies and organisations and quantify based on classifications that make more sense for aggregates of workers, you might be surprised how little of the economy is built on the F500 let alone venture capital unicorns.


I'd actually say it's opposite. The economy is built on folks like him but rewards other folks making it seems like his contribution to the economy is nil.


Here is a breakdown of the US GDP in 2023:


I think it's fair to say that a large component of the top two industries (professional services and real estate) are shady. OTOH, there are a lot of industries that seem less prone to corruption and more likely to reward people for honest work.

That's just my POV, though.


What do you think the economy is built on? Do you realize how much is spent on basic things like energy, food, construction of roads, buildings, houses?

It’s very obvious when people straight up lie in these industries because the physical thing never materializes.

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