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ndriscolllast Thursday at 5:48 PM4 repliesview on HN

Note that (US) governments in particular offer tons of RSS feeds.

Want to keep tabs on what Congress is up to? https://www.govinfo.gov/rss/bills.xml

Want to follow SEC press releases? https://www.sec.gov/news/pressreleases.rss

In WA state and want to follow bills related to schools? https://app.leg.wa.gov/bi/report/topicalindex/?biennium=2025...

The federal government has a big list at https://www.govinfo.gov/feeds. Your county might also have one (e.g. Spokane has https://www.spokanecounty.org/rss.aspx).


nfriedlylast Thursday at 5:58 PM

Indeed, my local government of Troy, Ohio (~25k population) offers RSS feeds with useful info about things like holiday closures, road construction, christmass tree pickup, etc. https://www.troyohio.gov/RSSFeed.aspx?ModID=1&CID=All-newsfl... There's also a calendar feed with city council meetings and such.

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dergachevlast Thursday at 6:02 PM

Worthy to note that 3 of those sites are powered by Drupal. Sometimes dated open-source monolithic solutions are quite helpful.

unforswearinglast Thursday at 6:26 PM

Just discovered a few US gov feeds yesterday, great resource. The Bureau of Labor Statistics also has quite a few feeds available: https://www.bls.gov/feed/