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Swizeclast Thursday at 7:25 PM2 repliesview on HN

> 5. Therefore all new development should be ~~microservices~~ modules written from scratch and interacting via cleanly defined APIs.

We figured this out for humans almost 20 years ago. Some really good empirical research. It's the only approach to large scale software development that works.

But it requires leadership that gives a shit about the quality of their product and value long-term outcomes over short-term rewards.


p1neconelast Thursday at 9:24 PM

By large scale do you mean large software or large amounts of developers? Because there's some absolutely massive software in terms of feature set, usefulness and even LoC (not that that is a useful measurement) etc out there made by very small teams.

I'm not sure that you've got the causal relationship the right way around here re: architecture:team size.

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PoppinFreshDoyesterday at 12:51 AM
