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philjohnlast Thursday at 9:12 PM5 repliesview on HN

And don't forget the amazing workaround Zimmerman of PGP fame came up with - the source code in printed form was protected 1A speech, so it was published, distributed, and then scanned and OCR'd outside the US - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pretty_Good_Privacy#Criminal_i...


mmaunderlast Thursday at 9:26 PM

And don’t forget Thawte which ended up selling strong SSL outside the US, cornering the international market thanks to US restrictions, and getting bought by Verisign for $600M.

rangestransformyesterday at 1:24 AM

I hope this time we finally get a Supreme Court ruling that export controls on code are unconstitutional, instead of the feds chickening out like last time

tzsyesterday at 2:28 AM

I doubt that would work for model weights because they are generated algorithmically rather than being written by humans, which probably means that they are not speech.

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z2last Thursday at 9:31 PM

I for one would love to see model weights published in hardcover book form.

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chealdlast Thursday at 10:12 PM

It might be somewhat prohibitive to print the model weights for any sufficiently large model, though.

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