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paulpauperlast Thursday at 9:46 PM8 repliesview on HN

of course, no space x event is complete without the scam fake streams








sebzim4500last Thursday at 9:47 PM

It is incredibly to me that Google doesn't seem to give a shit about this. It would be so easy to fix.

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echoanglelast Thursday at 10:40 PM

Where do they get channels with half a million subs? Are those hacked?

s1artibartfastlast Thursday at 10:19 PM

to be clear, it seems like the feed on some of these are scraped from official ones, but include links to crypto "giveaway" scams.

ge96last Thursday at 9:55 PM

it's funny how good the algorithm is to recommend this to you so you (I) can report it

sneaklast Thursday at 10:50 PM

All of the downsides of a heavily censored and politically editorialized platform, with none of the anti-fraud upsides.

barbazoolast Thursday at 10:19 PM

Are these YT channels just mirroring the official one?

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mmaunderlast Thursday at 9:48 PM

That’s hilarious

kklisuralast Thursday at 11:23 PM

I blame SpaceX for this as they do not have official youtube stream. This is just amateurish.

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