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ryandrakelast Thursday at 10:53 PM3 repliesview on HN

As someone else posted, SpaceX lists their prices to launch things into space. Your software situations are more complex?


jaredklewislast Thursday at 11:06 PM

That doesn’t seem like a logical inference to me.

A house construction contractor doesn't have a price list for the sake of obscuring prices, nor because house construction is more complex than space flight.

It's because houses are custom and thus prices are too variable to list in any meaningful way.

For a SaaS product with significant custom integration work, it seems reasonable that prices might also vary in the same way.

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griomniblast Thursday at 11:36 PM

There are many companies that charge “x” per weight of “y” to go from “a” to “b”. How they get “y” from “a” to “b” is complex, but the actual pricing is quite simple compared to bespoke business solutions. It’s just freight.

dilyevskyyesterday at 6:11 AM

> SpaceX can provide unique interfaces for Payloads with mechanical interfaces other than 8", 15", or 24". The Sales team will contact you with pricing if you select this optional service.