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teractiveodularlast Thursday at 11:13 PM11 repliesview on HN

The last one is stage separation, not an explosion. You can clearly see the "exploded" rocket continuing to fly afterwards.


olexlast Thursday at 11:21 PM

Separation is much closer to the launch pad in Texas, the booster barely makes it downrange at all before turning around. This being filmed from the Bahamas with this much lateral velocity, gotta be the Ship breaking up. Likely the FTS triggered after enough engines failed that it couldn't make orbit / planned trajectory.

s1artibartfastlast Thursday at 11:17 PM

I dont think so. I think it is the breakup, with a large mass visible. most of the material will continue on until it parabolically renters and burns up in a visible manner

Polizeiposaunelast Thursday at 11:19 PM

No, if that was taken from the Bahamas, that's an explosion connected to the loss of the 2nd stage.

Staging happens closer to the Texas coast and I don't believe you'd have line of sight to it from the Bahamas.

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walrus01last Thursday at 11:24 PM

That's for sure not stage separation, that's an explosion from the FTS rupturing the ship tanks.

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anothertroll456yesterday at 12:02 AM

Nope. That's definitely an explosion (source: I'm in the rocket business). However it may not be an explosion of the whole stage. Probably of the engine section.

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oo2312yesterday at 1:07 AM


oo2312yesterday at 1:03 AM


oo2312yesterday at 1:38 AM


xjiaw23yesterday at 3:02 AM


oo2312yesterday at 1:33 AM


oo2312yesterday at 1:05 AM
