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zqnayesterday at 12:13 AM4 repliesview on HN

Can someone tell me what's the point of all this? To export capitalism outside of solar system?


exitbyesterday at 1:20 AM

The point of a fully reusable launch vehicle? Similar to a fully reusable airplane or a car, I suppose.

We have various interests in sending things to space, why not do it cheaply?

distortionfieldyesterday at 6:14 AM

Survival of our species, for one. Never the mind short-sighted folks like yourselves clawing us back the entire way.

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PaulDavisThe1styesterday at 12:27 AM

Just to Mars, and maybe the asteroid belt. See [0].

[0] Expanse, The.

gordian-mindyesterday at 12:44 AM

To export the enjoyers of capitalism (a.k.a. humans) outside this planet, to visit the stars.