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spankaleeyesterday at 12:22 AM3 repliesview on HN

I help maintain Lit[1], which I consider a very standards-first non-framework.

With Lit you can build full apps with standard and plain JS, CSS, and HTML; standard web components; and no build tools.

I don't immediately see how this is any more standards-first, especially when it mentions Markdown, tooling, and a CLI. I don't actually really see what exactly this even is from this landing page. It would help to show something up front.

[1]: https://lit.dev


jeswinyesterday at 7:32 AM

Lit is amazing. But I don't like template strings for HTML. The IDE doesn't understand it automatically, and lit jsx had a bunch of issues last time I tried to use it.

In my view, JSX will be the true legacy of React. Applications are code. Many frameworks (such as htmx) extend HTML to bring a bit of programmability into it; but I felt they were just framework-specific, non-standard rules to learn. JSX is more standardized, and isn't as framework dependent.

Shameless plug: Magic Loop [1], a Lit alternative (that nobody knows about) which uses WebJSX [2] underneath.

[1]: https://github.com/webjsx/magic-loop

[2]: https://www.webjsx.org

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skrebbelyesterday at 3:45 PM

I just want to do a drive by comment to compliment you and the rest of the Lit team on Lit. I love how using a TS compiler is optional, I'm impressed by how fast and pragmatic lit-html is, and how easy it is to understand how it can be fast (vs, say, React's virtual DOM). Lit has a Redis-like quality of simplicity to it, like good Italian food and very much unlike eg React or Vue. I could study the architecture for an hour and feel like I completely grokked how it worked and why.

I can't say I completely love the OO aspect of it (notably the amount of boilerplate it requires to define props), and personally I think Lit would've been more powerful if it were optional for LitElements to be Web Components (having a million nested shadow DOMs by default is, well.. let's say it makes some common pragmatisms like global CSS overrides needlessly hard. also a single global namespace for tag names gets messy fast, and so on). But given the goals you set yourself, Lit is absolutely amazing. Small, fast, easy. Hats off!

tipiiraiyesterday at 1:42 AM

Lit has indeed done important work in standards-first development through web components.

But the issue is that Lit still approaches web development through the lens of components. While these components may be "standard" web components that encourages developers to keep bundling markup, styles, and behavior together rather than maintaining proper separation of concerns.

Nue takes a different approach by removing all the unnecessary layers between the developer and web standards. Where Next.js forces content into JavaScript components and requires complex build pipelines, Nue provides a more direct development experience built directly on HTML (layout), Markdown (content), vanilla CSS, and vanilla JavaScript.

With Nue HMR completes in milliseconds rather than seconds. The HMR spans css, content, data, and HTML-based server and client-compnents. CSS updates instantly through the native cascade instead of rebuilding components. The entire development feedback loop stays under 100ms, maintaining perfect flow while preserving document state.

Most importantly, this sort of standards-first architecture enables true systematic design trough vanilla CSS. Instead of coupling design decisions to components through utility classes or CSS-in-JS, with Nue you can build design systems directly with CSS variables, calc() and other modern goodies.

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