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mind-blightyesterday at 12:26 AM1 replyview on HN

Yeah, I was expecting something bigger and more explicit when he went after tailwind. Instead, the author just re-hashed older design patterns (MVC and semantic html decorations from css) without providing context add to when and why you would prefer the older patterns over newer ones. I've been building since the jQuery days, and I totally agree that there are a lot of challenges that people tend to forget from that time. Decoupling html from css just didn't provide much value, but it did create a lot of bike shedding.

I really like how htmx has handled explaining their architectural trade offs. They're very clear about the kind of problem they're solving, how they're solving it, and when/why their solution is better.

This post just has "get off my lawn" vibes without a ton of substance


tipiiraiyesterday at 5:57 AM

The _why_ is extensively documented. See:


Also FAQ:


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