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s1artibartfastlast Friday at 1:07 AM3 repliesview on HN

The planes diverting were downrange. Also, I doubt they had much information to go off, and were essentially flying blind about where the debris were unless they had a direct line to NORAD.

Do you have a better explanation why they are doing donuts over the pacific at the time of reentry, then were diverted?





asciiilast Friday at 2:46 AM

I was on r/flightradar24 and someone was listening on ATC and heard that one of the flights declared emergency due to fuel.

Other planes were also caught up in the chaos but SJU was at capacity apparently

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ricardobeatlast Friday at 1:46 AM

I don't have. Maybe they were indeed diverted because people got scared? Still seems pointless given the distances involved. Most reports are coming from social media / people watching flightradar24, and news media is just picking those up.

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adolphlast Friday at 1:44 AM

> donuts over the pacific


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