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spankaleeyesterday at 2:24 AM1 replyview on HN

Can you explain how it's not standards first?

Web components can be written in standard JS modules, loaded by or inlined into standard HTML, instantiated by standard custom element tags, rendered with the help of standard <template> elements, and styled with standard CSS.

If you don't use the web platform's native facilities for re-use, then you do have to use some non-web-standard system, like a server framework. Is there some way you see that that's more standard than the web?


tipiiraiyesterday at 3:18 AM

In Nue you're literally writing standard HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Your Markdown- based content generates semantic HTML. Your styling is pure CSS with modern features like nesting and container queries. JavaScript remains vanilla JavaScript.

React and similar frameworks introduce non-standard abstractions like JSX and proprietary component models that deviate from web standards. They couple structure, styling and behavior into JavaScript components.

With Nue your codebase becomes primarily CSS-based, with clean separation between content, styling and behavior. You're working directly with CSS rather than through framework abstractions. Hopefully this FAQ answers most of your questions:


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