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urhmbutwaityesterday at 4:32 AM2 repliesview on HN

That’s insurance?

Change the euphemism from government to private insurance to satisfy capitalism gods and keep their giant foot from squishing us… still “on the books” as a co-mingled pool of funds to shift around to solve problems.

Aw …sad… other people exist and need resources too. Not just about your first world skin suit playing temp host to a run of the mill electromagnetic field effect.


typewithrhythmyesterday at 5:23 AM

People choose where they live, and should bear the cost relative to the amount of risk they chose to take. Government funding is not a magical blanket that somehow makes it moral to take from someone who made good decisions and give to another who made poor ones.

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_factoryesterday at 6:21 AM

I’m building my next house right on an active volcano. Thank you for subsidizing my idiocy. You should see the view!