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lotsofpulplast Friday at 4:39 AM2 repliesview on HN

The genius of the US way is that the politicians avoid the heat when healthcare coverage is denied. Whereas UK and Canadian politicians have to answer to their constituents.

Of course, now that getting murdered is on the table, the US health insurance executives might want to up their compensation.


gruezlast Friday at 2:30 PM

> Whereas UK and Canadian politicians have to answer to their constituents.

Yeah, and "politicians have to answer to their constituents" is how we got the failed insurance markets in California and Florida. This thread has now gone full circle.

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gunianlast Friday at 5:25 AM

no offence but that murder had nothing to do with what is right or caring for the people just a game same reason trains got graffiti on them. At most a beautiful lesson in the power that comes with controlling the narrative