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dangeroyesterday at 4:43 AM3 repliesview on HN

Depends on the use case. If boot requires a password, the computer can never lose power or be rebooted without human presence. That’s not always practical.


teddyhyesterday at 1:12 PM

You can reboot your full-disk-encryption server while you sleep. Obligatory plug: <https://www.recompile.se/mandos>

Disclosure: I am a co-author of Mandos.

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prmoustacheyesterday at 9:29 AM

That is what remote kvm are for and if you do that on commodity hardware you can start a tiny ssh server starting up from an initrd. Having said that an attacker with local access could change the initrd without your knowledge so that it logs the password you enter so it is not necessarily the most secure solution.

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tucnakyesterday at 9:32 AM

Google: IPMI, BMC