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adeptimayesterday at 6:56 AM1 replyview on HN

Yjs is nice. Easy to get p2p results.

Yjs backend, its persistence, eventual conflict resolution (one of editors stayed too long offline), history rewind seems like a tough engineering challenge to crack.

Always wanted to have a nice experience with block editor like Platejs https://platejs.org/

There are nice attempts simplify dev experience with solutions like Liveblocks https://liveblocks.io/text-editor However most options come at the expense of controlling your data.

CRDT keyword search on HN bring consistently good results and interest in the topic, but no good options on open source backend side. Checked it many times in the past. Please correct me if I missed something.


Most people expectations it should work at least as in Google Docs or Notion, and on the dev side it should be store privately in Postgres JSONB like format without going deep into details.


blixtyesterday at 7:15 AM

I agree. In theory you need to just distribute serialized patches but in a real world backend scenario you may need to integrate with knowledge of current document state, user identity, and possibly even some level of access control.

I’ve wanted to use Y.js with a Go backend multiple times but gave up each time due to time constraints as it’s hard to find simple reference implementations.

I’ve been checking back over the years but it still seems hard to do this outside of Node.js.

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