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tipiirai01/17/20252 repliesview on HN

In content-heavy websites, yes. Single-page apps are a different game obviously. this is a real number when comparing Next.js blog starter to Nue's blog starter:




> In content-heavy websites, yes. Single-page apps are a different game obviously.

Content-heavy websites have (for me anyway) multiple acceptable solutions currently.

I want to see what your DSL looks like for SPAs.

To be clear, I am your target - developer who noped out of JS frameworks and want something better.

But, like I said, I already have multiple options for separation of concerns with content-heavy or mostly-static sites. What I don't have is a decent SPA framework that neatly does separation of concerns.


If you want to be taken seriously, please do a like-for-like comparison.

Your comparison is between 2 drastically different sites. https://next-blog-starter.vercel.app/ and https://simple-blog.nuejs.org/