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kookamamieyesterday at 8:00 AM3 repliesview on HN

See Oklab colorspace for an attempt at fairer perceptual brightness: https://bottosson.github.io/posts/oklab/


kpilyesterday at 10:45 AM

This page was interresting and demonstrates some problems with CIELabls hue perception: https://raphlinus.github.io/color/2021/01/18/oklab-critique....

andrewlayesterday at 6:39 PM

Oklab is mentioned in the article as also being flawed in this sense.

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refulgentisyesterday at 3:52 PM

A significant mis-step - naively eschewed actual lightness, the thing that dictates what people actually perceive, because people outside the field regularly conflate brightness and lightness.