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master-lincolnyesterday at 9:09 AM4 repliesview on HN

Why would you want to continue working at such a place as a developer? It's not like it's hard to find another job as developer...


netdevphoenixyesterday at 9:21 AM

> It's not like it's hard to find another job as developer...

In 2025? Haven't you noticed the massive layoffs by the big companies. Check r/cscareerquestions and read the posts from seniors unable to find a job

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TeMPOraLyesterday at 9:35 AM

Entry-level jobs? Sure. Senior level and above? You must have been living under the rock for the past year.

Then again, mobile apps are like this tend to be junior work, outsourced to software mills that just burn through juniors cranking out garbage assembled 10% of polyfills and 90% of advertising SDKs. Yes, at this point of your career, you can still say "no" - the company will happily replace you with some other junior, while you replace some other junior somewhere else.

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palatayesterday at 12:09 PM

This is assuming that the developers who did that knew that it was bad and still chose to do it.

What if they didn't know and it's just incompetence?

rschiavoneyesterday at 9:44 AM

The job market since 2022 says otherwise