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arrowsmithyesterday at 11:41 AM2 repliesview on HN

Isn't that overly pessimistic, not optimistic?

Surely if plants are absorbing more CO2 than we thought, that's a good thing for climate change? (More CO2 absorbed by plants -> less CO2 staying in the atmosphere -> less warming. No?)


modo_marioyesterday at 1:20 PM

>(More CO2 absorbed by plants -> less CO2 staying in the atmosphere -> less warming. No?)

The vast vast vast majority of co2 absorbed by plants remains in the carbon cycle. The share that leaves it is in fact ridiculously small.

There's absolutely no reasonable scenario where we wait for plants to deal with the output of the fossil fuels pumped up.

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a3wyesterday at 12:09 PM

I think the counting errors were "we expected these sinks to fill up slower. They are already full, and not contribute instead of being a sink".