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prmoustacheyesterday at 2:52 PM1 replyview on HN

I think the best solution is to own much less.

People keep wanting to live in huge space that they barely use, then buy a fuckton of appliances they use once or twice a month at the maximum and hoard stuff like there is no tomorrow. Then they cry when they lose everything or that nobody want to insure their pile of crap. Just insure the minimum to live comfortably. It is much lower than what you can think of.

Since I have been moving every 4 to 5 years I have been focusing on never hoarding too much stuff. My appartment can burn, I will be fine and as long as I can find a small roof[1] for me and my family (1 partner 2 teenagers) and we could buy back what we need to live comfortably with less than 10k€ and then rebuild gradually to live in a normally sized[2] appartment/house.

[1] by my standards, which I rate at 20 to 25sq/m per person living in the household.

[2] a bungalow, yurt, caravan or large camper would be enough for a disaster recovery.


lazystaryesterday at 3:07 PM

> Then they cry when they lose everything

Yes, that's a normal human response. It's ok to have emotions.

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