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pclmulqdqyesterday at 2:54 PM2 repliesview on HN

A lot of people have been shitting on SLS for being too expensive over the last 5 years, but it's worth noting that the Artemis program has been completely fucked due to SpaceX massively missing its milestones on Starship. So many people believe that Elon Musk is going to bring humanity back to the Moon, but he is largely the reason that humanity is not back on the moon already.

The GAO put out a report on this a few months ago, pointing out the failures of SpaceX here (including massive cost overruns) much more than the supposed cost overruns of SLS. Incidentally, after this GAO report came out, Elon Musk became very interested in being in charge of managing "government waste."


ceejayozyesterday at 3:36 PM

This is a very partial telling of the current situation.

Orion is delayed due to a heat shield issue: https://www.nasa.gov/missions/artemis/nasa-identifies-cause-...

The first SLS launch was six years behind and massively over budget.

Lunar Gateway is almost certainly getting delayed.

None of these programs rely on SpaceX in any way thus far.

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panick21_yesterday at 6:21 PM

Complete nonsense. There are many issues with Artemis timeline.

And of course its completely ridiculous to blame a program that received 2 billion $ and only really started a few years ago, vs things like SLS Orion that have been going for decades and absorbed 50 billion $.