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digganlast Friday at 3:31 PM4 repliesview on HN

Are those people also making posts like "I'd rather get shot by Mao than use Instagram Threads/Reels" right now?


thiagoharrylast Friday at 3:45 PM

Sure. People older than 30 also dislike when the government tries to censor their access to some media.

daekenlast Friday at 3:40 PM

37 here and: yes.

tokioyoyolast Friday at 3:39 PM

Yeah… People just hate being told what they’re not allowed to do.

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estlast Friday at 5:05 PM

PG just wrote a blog, it shows the history of how students in the 1960s holding Mao's Red Book (pun intended) was the origin of the "woke" thing.

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