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Zigurdyesterday at 3:51 PM4 repliesview on HN

US-made missiles are blowing stuff up inside Russia because Russia invaded a treaty partner who gave up their nukes in exchange for a security alliance with the US. And yet Russian apps are in our app stores. Nobody needs to imagine.


JumpCrisscrossyesterday at 4:01 PM

> yet Russian apps are in our app stores

Major social media apps? Chinese apps are still in our app stores, just not TikTok (as of Sunday).

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secondcomingyesterday at 4:03 PM

The only Russian app I'm aware of is Telegram. What other Russian apps might people be unwittingly running?

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orangecatyesterday at 4:05 PM

And yet Russian apps are in our app stores.

There are no Russian apps that collect extensive data on hundreds of millions of Americans. (And if I'm wrong about that, the US should absolutely force divestiture of those apps or ban them).

HideousKojimayesterday at 4:08 PM

>a treaty partner who gave up their nukes in exchange for a security alliance with the US

If it wasn't ratified by the senate then we didn't enter into a treaty, I really don't understand why this is so hard for people to understand.