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bilekasyesterday at 3:52 PM5 repliesview on HN

Am I just getting more grumpy in my old age or is every new framework just complete bloat ?

I wanted to give it a try, but I need to install bun, a new js runtime, okay fine, why not. Javascript needs more runtimes after all.

Then I need to install `nuekit`.. globally.. Okay...

Now I need to run an obscure command 'nue; which I didn't know I installed. `nue create simple-blog`

Then it tells me to follow the tutorial docs, great. But I need to start writing YAML.. Losing patience now.

My relief comes when I see :

> Nue is not currently tested or developed under Windows, so use it at your own risk.

Well I guess as a Windows user I can't have a 'Standards First Web Framework'.

Think I'll stick to what actually works instead.


ezfeyesterday at 6:08 PM

I had you until the last line.

Windows causes so many problems for me in a full stack development role because people come in and have trouble installing things, etc. and nothing works properly.

I'm not surprised this app doesn't support Windows, I certainly wouldn't bother putting that time in myself. You can have a cross-env but everything else should just work or it's not my problem.

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mossTechnicianyesterday at 4:48 PM

I think this is completely valid. From the title ("standards-first") I'd assume it would stuck to minimal third-party addons and use standards-compliant JavaScript as much as possible. Why not JavaScript for configuration, for example?

As a side note, and not to excuse lack of Windows support, but: I've switched to WSL (Linux) for development on Windows. Coupled with Visual Studio Code, the results are much faster than when I used the Windows terminal directly.

smt88yesterday at 6:47 PM

> Well I guess as a Windows user I can't have a 'Standards First Web Framework'.

Windows has had a Linux subsystem for years. This should not be an obstacle for you anymore.

andrewmcwattersyesterday at 5:22 PM

My big fat stink test is if I need tooling at all.

Do I need npm or another utility? It probably stinks. Do I need to build something? It definitely stinks.

    # Create a website
    nue create simple-blog

Stinks all around.
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