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Retricyesterday at 4:16 PM4 repliesview on HN

2/3 of the global population doesn’t speak English.


JumpCrisscrossyesterday at 4:19 PM

TikTok content is mostly visual. My YouTube shorts are frequently foreign language with AI subtitles.

Also, TikTok is banned in India and—ironically—China [1].

[1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censorship_of_TikTok

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gkbrkyesterday at 4:35 PM

English is literally the most commonly spoken language in the world. No language in the world will fit your criteria if you want more than two thirds of the global population to speak it.

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lelanthranyesterday at 4:24 PM

That doesn't sound accurate. Did you mean as a first language?

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shortrounddev2yesterday at 4:20 PM

As their first language, perhaps

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