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Al-Khwarizmiyesterday at 4:17 PM1 replyview on HN

For me the biggest scandal in Romania is that they threw the people's choice to the trash just because he didn't show up in polls... a few months after banning another candidate, Sosoaca, for, and I cite textually, "calling for the removal of fundamental state values and choices, namely EU and NATO membership".

Note that from the little I know about both Sosaca and Georgescu, they both look like dangerous nutjobs that should not rule, but if I were a Romanian I would be more worried about a democracy that removes candidates it doesn't like for purely political reasons (not for having commited a felony or anything like that) than about them.


jack_ppyesterday at 4:43 PM

I'm no lawyer and can't be arsed to do the proper research but for Georgescu to be able to declare he had 0 campaign spending while everyone knows that the tiktok campaign cost 20-50 million euros is insane to me.

If they aren't already prosecuting him on this I guess technically it's legal but such a weird loophole in the law. Any spending towards promoting a candidate should be public knowledge imo. EDIT: he was claiming bullshit like GOD chose him and that's how he got that good of a result. I guess his God is the people in the shadows that made his tiktok campaign lol

> For me the biggest scandal in Romania is that they threw the people's choice to the trash just because he didn't show up in polls

I think they did it for many reasons but not because he didn't show up in polls.

Top ones are:

- PSD didn't advance in the second round and they had the leverage to pull it off

- Georgescu was clearly anti-NATO so maybe the US pulled strings

- Danger of having a president with Russian sympathies

- He was claiming that he didn't spend a single dime on the election while everyone in the know knows that his tiktok campaign cost sever million euros

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