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yellow_leadyesterday at 4:20 PM6 repliesview on HN

> The algorithm used in the US was apparently banned in China for being too addictive.

Source? I could only find this.



afavouryesterday at 4:31 PM

> That same year, Douyin imposed a 40-minute daily limit for users under 14. Last year, Chinese regulators introduced a rule that would limit children under age 18 to two hours of smartphone screen time each day.


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legitsteryesterday at 4:42 PM


Anecdotally, I have heard from people who lived in China at the time that there was a significant shift in content a few years back.

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niceiceyesterday at 4:42 PM

The entire app is banned. They use a different one called Douyin.

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HenryBemisyesterday at 4:58 PM


"It’s almost like they recognize that technology is influencing kids’ development, and they make their domestic version a spinach version of TikTok, while they ship the opium version to the rest of the world,”

the_clarenceyesterday at 5:21 PM

His comment is obvious propaganda

vFunctyesterday at 4:45 PM


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