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p_j_wyesterday at 4:34 PM3 repliesview on HN

That’s not at all the same as banning the algorithm.


afavouryesterday at 4:57 PM

It’s not the same, no. I provided the link because it’s what I assume the OP is referring to.

Limiting use to 40 minutes is not a ban but it still shows a view that extended exposure to it is harmful. To turn it on its head, if more than 40 minutes is viewed harmful for Chinese youth, why not American?

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andy_xor_andrewyesterday at 4:52 PM

Maybe the "community notes" model isn't so bad after all

throwawayq3423yesterday at 9:18 PM

It's a clear sign the international version of TikTok, because of it's addictiveness and content, would never be allowed for a single minute in China by the people that know the most about what it is, and what is does.

What more do you need to know?

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