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tevonyesterday at 4:52 PM5 repliesview on HN

Because if Zuck or Musk does something bad with said power, we can do something about it.

We can't really jail the CCP. Additionally, Zuck and Musk don't have armies to back up their propaganda. We shouldn't let foreign powers own the means of broadcast...


lolinderyesterday at 4:59 PM

Who is we, though? I can't do anything about it. Can you?

The people who can do something about it are the people who are already in power in the US. They understandably don't want to share with the CCP, but most of them came to power by manipulating enough voters into voting for them. They stay in power by ensuring that enough voters continue to want to vote for them. Which means that someone like Zuckerberg or Musk has an insanely inordinate amount of influence over whether these people who are in power stay in power.

Yes, I think it's marginally better that that influence remain out of the hands of the CCP, but I would rather that that influence not exist at all. It's too dangerous and too prone to corruption.

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jayknightyesterday at 4:56 PM

>Zuck and Musk don't have armies to back up their propaganda

But they're about to have all three branches of government to back it up.

cratermoonyesterday at 5:00 PM

> Because if Zuck or Musk does something bad with said power, we can do something about it.

We can? Like what? What's the chance of that happening?

> Zuck and Musk don't have armies to back up their propaganda.

I'd like to note the seating arrangements published for the upcoming presidentia inauguration ceremony.

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wallsyesterday at 5:02 PM

So what you're saying is, freedom of speech doesn't really work?

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leptonsyesterday at 8:04 PM

Zuck and Musk already have done bad things with their power, and continue to do so. No real consequences so far.