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Al-Khwarizmiyesterday at 5:00 PM1 replyview on HN

I mean that the only evidence that his votes came from the TikTok campaign is that he didn't show up in polls and unexpectedly obtained a great result. So they automatically assume the delta between expected and obtained votes are people manipulated by the TikTok campaign (which apparently are assumed to have become some kind of zombies whose opinion doesn't count).

Out of the fourth reasons you list at the end, only the fourth is not pure authoritarianism (why wouldn't people in a democracy be free to elect a president that dislikes NATO or likes Russia if that is their will?). Campaign funding fraud has happened in many Western countries but typically it's handling by imposing fines, maybe some jail time, but definitely not cancelling the result of an entire election.


jack_ppyesterday at 5:05 PM

I'm not naive enough to believe we live in a true democracy. IMO this cancelling was good for 2 reasons : first I believe Georgescu is a nutjob, second.. if there was any doubt that we don't live in a true democracy now it's pretty clear.

And considering the level of education of most of the Romanian population I believe having "true" democracy would destroy the country. I understand this may not be a popular opinion but I'm trying to be realistic here lol

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