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johnnyjeansyesterday at 5:48 PM1 replyview on HN

I would absolutely never, EVER encourage the use of a package manager when getting someone accustomed to programming. Why on earth would you do that? The problems that package managers solve are completely orthogonal to the environment of someone who hasn't even built up the intuition for basic things like flipflops, lexical scope, iteration, etc.

Downloading archives with a web browser and extracting them and just doing manual file management is vastly preferable in such an environment. That is a vastly simpler process which is impossible to break, and odds are the student will already be familiar with most of the process.


giraffe_ladyyesterday at 6:19 PM

See my other comment I guess. My experience has been that a lot of the things that motivate beginners are out of reach without using a package. In ruby or python I can say hey just install this thing here's how. Even in JS, it's a bigger hurdle but I can show them npm. Lua has nothing as accessible as this.

Managing archives is not easier in my experience, for the format I teach. Students are not necessarily using the same packages, not all on the same OS, and familiarity with manually managing files cannot be assumed. Probably the majority of middle schoolers I teach do not have that skill coming into my class, high school maybe 50/50.