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bryanlarsenlast Friday at 5:56 PM5 repliesview on HN

RedNote was #1 on the App Store download list for a couple of days.



xmprtlast Friday at 6:07 PM

So was this app at one point in time: https://www.theverge.com/2020/1/9/21058399/david-dobrik-disp...

It's called Dispo. You probably haven't heard of it because it became almost irrelevant a few weeks after launch. #1 on the app store doesn't mean a whole lot.

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drakythelast Friday at 6:06 PM

That’s an extremely recent development caused by the TT shutdown looming.

toomanyrichieslast Friday at 6:35 PM

How many of those downloads originated in China? Genuine question, I read the article and it doesn't say. Apple's App Store is available in China, and China's population alone could be skewing those numbers.

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throwawayq3423last Friday at 7:34 PM

Yes it's called a meme and it won't last.