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bee_rideryesterday at 6:16 PM9 repliesview on HN

Dumb question from someone who only played money-maps as a kid:

What do the numbers in front of the building mean? 12 Hatcheries seems like… well, 12 seems like a possible but implausible number of hatcheries to build (hypothetically it is possible of course). And 12 spawning pools is obviously not useful. So that makes me think it is the position in the build order list. But, they list other builds, like:

> The second is the 12 Hatch, 12 Pool, 12 Gas

Which doesn’t make a ton of sense in with that parsing. I mean it must not be a straight list. Maybe it is a tree, and 12 is the depth for this building? But that seems late, I can’t think of 11 buildings to build before gas. Maybe they include units too? Or maybe just drones/overlords?


stackghostyesterday at 6:54 PM

IIRC it started with "4-pooling" which is when, as Zerg, you build a spawning pool while only having 4 workers (it's been years, forget what they're called), rebuild your 4th worker and then start making zerglings to achieve a super-early attack (a "rush").

Then your opponent calls you all sorts of vile names and questions your sexuality, etc.

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SynasterBeiteryesterday at 6:21 PM

It denotes how much supply you should have when you start the building. All of your supply at this stage comes from workers, so it's also an indication how many workers you should train.

gs17yesterday at 8:18 PM

> And 12 spawning pools is obviously not useful.

I vaguely remember a Husky video where he actually did a "9 pool" with building 9 spawning pools.

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narcindinyesterday at 6:18 PM

Is it how many workers you have when you build that building

TulliusCiceroyesterday at 9:15 PM

People already explained that's it's how much supply you have.

In practice this is easier for people to use than actual clock timings, because it's more robust to delays or interference. If you remember "third rax at 30 supply" then even if you're playing a little slow, you will still know roughly when to build that. But if you memorized exact clock timings and now you might be 20+ seconds behind, it's hard to know when you should fit in the new building.

It's not perfect of course, and if you get cheesed and the game goes weird then you'll have to start improvising rather than relying on just supply timings, a lot of times after a cheese where neither side definitely wins, the balance between tech and economy is now very non-standard and you can't rely on conventional rules of thumb anymore.

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zzlkyesterday at 6:20 PM

It's the supply of when you should build it. In the early game it's essentially how many workers you have.

Reason077yesterday at 9:34 PM

Doesn't it mean you build your expansion once you have 12 worker units?

LegitShadyyesterday at 6:41 PM

In the game you build buildings and units. The units take up "supply" which there is a limit on. At the beginning of the game you mostly just building workers (unless you scout your opponent is going for an extremely early attack), who mine resources and construct buildings.

The numbers indicate the supply you should be at when you build the structure.

so a 12 hatch 12 pool 12 gas means you get to 12 workers and then build those 3 buildings in that order as soon as you have the resources for those.

For zerg the workers actually become the building, so I assume you hit 12, build the hatchery, build another worker, build the spawning pool, build another worker, and then build your gas refinery.

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