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jppopeyesterday at 6:30 PM0 repliesview on HN

Switch from Sales & Sales Management to Software. First couple years were painful. To answer your questions:

> How did you pinpoint new directions that matched your skills and interests?

I fell into it. I tried to start a business that required developers, and the developers didn't complete the work for the clients... so I did it. Zero experience, zero background, just me and youtube trying to make deadlines.

> What were the most effective ways to reposition your experience in a new field?

I built the plane in the air, so I don't have a great answer for this.

> Are there any resources or strategies you’d recommend for upskilling or building networks?

Start now. Try learning things, then reach out to your network for people that might be able to augment your learning. People are really great about that stuff when they see that you are interested in the same stuff they are it creates a bond.